
Friday, February 4, 2011

Here's to... getting stuff done!

It may have been a rather dreary day but it actually worked out great because I was able to sit and the tedious things done I never have time to do.

Took on the side of the yard that needs a little TLC. I got a lot done, but it would be a heck of a lot easier if I had the proper tools and a great pair of gardening gloves. But in the process I gathered lots of vines and branches for the Survivor themed Youth Lock-In next weekend! So that's exciting.

I got all my coupons printed and sorted. Then I took my store sale fliers and found where the best deal for my coupon was located. I wrote out my menu for the week according to the best meat prices. Now all I have left is to write my grocery list and take inventory on my cabinets, and I will be ready for shopping day!! Then to keep my fingers crossed that all this crazy work will be worth it.

I cleaned and swept the house, picked up my children's toys, loaded and ran the dishwasher, made dinner and now its time to brush teeth and get these kids to bed, so I can hang out with my hubby!

Its so nice to end the day in a clean house! What a stress reliever!

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