
Friday, April 6, 2012

I made a tutu!

It was my best friend's little girl's birthday a little while ago and I am late getting her present made...but i finally finished it!! I wanted to make a her tutu, so I found a couple tutorials for making them on Pinterest. It was actually incredibly easy! Which is awesome because I have so many little girls in my life to make presents for!

For the basic design, I used the tutorial on A Small Snippet's blog.
I did a few things different:
1. I wanted it longer so I made my cardboard 7"x 18"
2. My fabric store didn't sell the rolls of tulle (which I want to try next time), instead I bought 3 yards of each color (6 yards altogether). Then folded, wrapped, and cut to make the strips needed.
Tip: This pictures looks loose, but it actually needs to have no spaces or gaps between tulle. You don't want to see the elastic.

Then I added some flair using a skinny ribbon between every 2 slip knots from Twigs and Toadstool's blog.
Finally, I wrapped a satin ribbon around the top using the tutorial on Treasures for Tots
And I used Chatelaine's tutorial for tying the perfect bow! It was for tying on a box but I improvised.

This is my finished product! I am so excited!! :)